Jesse Dupre, PT, DPT

Jesse grew up in Helena, Montana. He attended Montana State University, earning his degree in Computer Science and working as a software developer for five years before changing gears and applying to Physical Therapy School. He earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Montana, and has been with Sapphire Physical Therapy since 2013.

Jesse's interests include orthopedic physical therapy with a special interest in spine rehab, and additional focus on manual therapy. He is working toward his certification in manual physical therapy through the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy and enjoys treating patients with a variety of diagnoses to help them return to their active lives. In addition to his regular caseload, Jesse performs Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCEs) for Workers' Compensation cases.

Outside of his physical therapy interests, Jesse enjoys spending time with his family and two dogs, playing guitar, hiking, and fishing.


Specialties & Interests

  • Manual therapy to promote improved joint function

  • Rehabilitation of back and neck pain

  • Treatment of overuse injuries

  • Rehabilitation of work related injuries