Sapphire Physical Therapy Provides High Speed 2D Video Running Analysis

Injuries impact nearly 80% of all runners (Br J Sports Med 2007). While some runners rarely miss a training run or race due to injury, most experience a variety of injuries and/or recurrent injuries.  The keys to effectively treating and preventing running injuries include adequate recovery, adequate rest and nutrition, strength training, and determining the cause of injury rather than treating the symptoms alone. Fall and winter are great seasons to evaluate your training, establish new goals, and address recurrent or nagging injuries through strength training.

The strongest predictors of a future running injury include a prior history of running injury, running throughout the year without a break, and a rapid increase in running mileage of >10% per week (Br J Sports Med 2007). 

Once compensatory movement patterns are addressed through a comprehensive physical therapy evaluation, underlying strength deficits can be effectively addressed.

Sapphire Physical Therapy provides on-site 2D running gait analysis. We have been offering this informative, interactive, diagnostic technology with the Missoula running community since 2016. Colored LED markers on key body landmarks are read by two high-speed cameras which provide real-time feedback for both the runner and the physical therapist. Sapphire Physical Therapy was the first physical therapy clinic in the northwest to offer on-site 2D video running analysis using the Simi Aktisys 2D system. Developed in Germany, the Simi Aktisys software records joint angles along the frontal (anterior and posterior views) and sagittal (side) planes of motion as a person runs. Planes of movement and joint ankles (ankle, knee, hip, trunk) are recorded and observed as a person runs. The software analyses the measured video data and an easy to read, usable PDF report is produced for the runner and physical therapist. Coupled with accelerometer wearables (attached to the laces of running shoes), your physical therapist will record right and left leg impact loading forces. Utilizing 2D video running analysis during a physical therapy evaluation takes the guesswork out of determining the underlying cause of movement inefficiency and/or injury. 

Once a compensatory movement pattern is recorded, the runner can return to the treadmill and make changes in his or her running mechanics while observing themselves in real-time on the monitor screen. An accurate running analysis evaluation is an excellent way to determine the best strengthening exercises on and individualized basis. The Simi Aktisys 2D System also has applications to evaluate walking and bike fitting. 

The Sapphire Physical Therapy staff looks forward to helping Missoula runners determine the underlying cause of compensations and recurrent injuries. Call Sapphire Physical Therapy (406-549-5283) to learn more or to schedule your video running analysis.

More information can be found at our website or through an email to

By John Fiore, PT


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